Archive | 3月, 2011


5 3月



李衡:华女士,您好!我读了您的《飘香蒙难记》。前两个多月,也就是2010年刘晓波先生获诺贝尔和平奖期间,中国国内很多异议人士都遭到了不同程度的人 权侵犯,比如恐吓、监控、软禁、绑架、酷刑等等,您的遭遇是其中较典型的一起。为此,我想采访您几个问题,是否可以?



华: 在中国,侵犯人权是很普遍的事情。您知道,即使从中国宪法、法律来看,中国民众维权也都是合法的。特别是维权律师,他们就是要以法律来帮助民众维权, 怎么可能逾越法律呢?我也是学法律的,从事任何社会活动都会首先考虑合法性。但是,中国不是法治国家,法律、人权都不在当局考虑之内。他们要控制住异议人 士,为此不择手段。恐吓、监控、软禁、绑架、酷刑等等,以这些非法的暴力手段打压异议人士,这在中国已是常态,每个维权者、异议人士都有可能遭遇到。



比 如,我经历的这次绑架,他们没有出示任何法律文件,也未经法律程序,自始至终,我也不知道任何一个办案人 的完整姓名。光天化日之下,他们公然地给你戴上黑头套,进行绑架,完全是赤裸裸的暴力。我曾反复向他们强调:你们这样做是非法的。但他们无动于衷,说“法 律有很多层面,有的你知道,有的你不知道”。真是怪了,公民不能知道的“法律”也叫法律吗?这样说才对,他们说的做的就是“法律”。审问官曾威胁我:“我 弄死你!”、“你在这里被弄死了也没人知道”、“我把你拖出去挖个坑埋了!”这是依法办案吗?就是黑社会、流氓行径。



他 们打压异议者和维权人士的办法很多,比如让你失掉工作,没工作就没有经济收入,没收入就没法生活,他们就 是要让你和你的家人生活不下去,迫使你屈服。再有,他们利用你的家人对你施加压力,一般来说,我们可以承担自己的不幸,但是连累到家人,我们就很难承受。 还有,就是前面所提到的恐吓、监控、软禁、绑架、酷刑等等。总之,他们专在人的软肋上下手,不择手段,不惜使用黑社会、流氓的方式。

至于 如何对待他们,这没有固定的方式,要看个人的处境和选择。就我来说,我不会配合他们。如果你退一步,他 们就会逼你退两步、三步。比如,如果我向他们服软,写了保证书,他们就会进而要你写认罪书、悔过书,最终你什么也不能再做。我所做的都在法律范畴之内,光 明磊落,因此我一步不退,不配合、不合作。这是我的选择,是我的性格所决定。

李:《飘香蒙难记》中有一段记述了国安人员对您的调戏:“他 用一根手指按着我的脑门把我的头顶起来,把耷拉下来的一缕头发挑到耳后”,“深深地吸一口烟, 悠悠地吐到我的脸上”,“把胳膊轻轻搭在了我的腿上,身体向前倾”。这是否是他们有意安排的,是审讯的一个程序?很难令人相信,国家安全部门,在办案中会 对一个弱女子使出这种下流的流氓手段。

华:当然,这不是个人行为,是他们有意安排的。审问我的有4个人,他们分别扮演不同的角色。这个角 色就是流氓。他们见用其它的方式对我无效,就用这种方式 对我进行恐吓、羞辱,在这种场合,我是一个完全被他们控制住的孤单女子。但是这招对我也没用,我对此没有恐惧,而是感到愤怒,被侮辱的愤怒。由此,我对他 们更加轻蔑。







华: 比如被逮捕、坐牢、遭受酷刑,或者秘密消失,等等。很多异议者、维权人士都有过这样的遭遇,是“常态”。而且我身体很不好,如果遭受酷刑很可能就会死 掉。对这些,我曾不断地问自己能否承受。在我遭到绑架的那一刻,我意识到,我已经准备好了,我可以承受。我能守住,不会屈服,也不会向他们妥协。在整个过 程中,我更多的是愤怒;我的紧张是由于没有经验,而不是因为恐惧。






华: 人的一生怎么过不是一辈子?可以这样,也可以那样。关键在于你选择的是什么。我听从内心的召唤,外部的物质生活对我不那么重要。人要有自由、要有尊 严,不能像猪一样活着。我们生活在中国的现实中,对于身边所发生的事情,我不能假装看不见。作为一个纪录片导演,我需要真实地记录这些,并且希望人们能够 了解,并使之改变。这是我对生活的选择,体现我的生存价值。如果,这种选择定要蒙难,那么这也是宿命。

再者,我也不会移居海外,我不会选 择流亡。一些年前,如果有机会,我或许会选择到国外生活,那时我还没有选 择这种生活。但是,现在没有这种可能了,我已经参与了,我的朋友们都在这里,我不能离开他们,我对他们有责任。我不喜欢自我流放,那意味着对恐惧、对苦难 的逃避,我的性格对此难以接受。


华: 如果你是个热爱自由的人,正直、有尊严,那么你就躲不开中国的政治。如果在正常的社会,我自然不会问及政治,我性格敏感,缺少政治素质,也没有权力要 求,我的理想生活就是“读万卷书,行万里路”。但是中国是非正常社会,控制无所不在,这是每个人都无法回避的现实。作为一个热爱自由的人,对这些,你不能 假装看不见。不是我要介入政治,而是我们生活在政治控制当中,你只要真实地生活,就不可能不触及政治。

具体地说,改变我的是去年的谭作人 事件。我们是很多年的朋友,他是个很好的人,甚至说他有点“傻”。他被抓 之后,我认为过一段时间他就会被释放,不相信他会被判刑。但是,这么一个好人就是被判了。这让我无法接受。对于我,中国的种种黑暗、不公由于落实到了一个 朋友的身上,而变得非常具体。有很长一段时间我感到非常无助。由此,我觉得必须做些什么,不管能否改变,但是我必须做。我做了,我就心安;如果不做,生活 就无法继续下去了……





2011年1月 24日



5 3月



刚刚结束访美的 中国国家主席胡锦涛在白宫举行的新闻发布会上承认人权的普遍性原则,并表示中国在改进人权方面还有许多工作要做。作为一国首脑,胡锦涛也许并不知道就在中 国首都北京,就在他的眼皮底下,在光天化日之下发生了一起国安人员公然秘密绑架纪录片工作者、公民记者华泽女士的事件。华泽绑架案正好发生在刘晓波获得诺 贝尔和平奖之后,在那一时期,传出不少中国维权人士“被失踪”的消息。但是,像华泽女士那样被蒙上黑头罩,塞进汽车,先是秘密关押在北京,随后转移原籍江 西软禁,使其与世隔绝长达五十五天的,仍然骇人听闻。这起如同黑社会操作的暴力绑架事件性质极其恶劣,但绑架者却是纳税人供养的中国公务员。华泽女士在北 京家中通过电话告诉我们,她有一个起码的诉求,那就是她和她一样的中国公民有免除恐惧的权利。


2010 年二月下旬,一位女士因自己的帖子毫无理由地被网站删掉而上告法院,这件事当时很轰动,这位女士叫华泽,她还有一个笔名,灵魂飘香。学法律 出身,曾经是江西新余日报记者,后来辞职拍摄纪录片,在中央电视台工作过。她的帖子名为“寻找中国之路网络大讨论”。她认为作为一个有良知的中国人,对中 国的现状感到忧虑,社会正义和公平没有得到实现。因此她想在网上引起一场有关中国向何处去的大辩论。帖子被删后,网站不解释,她就把这件事告上法院,这种 做法在中国可能是不寻常的,别人可能也就罢了,但华泽不肯罢休。要维护自己言论自由的权利。结果,可想而知,法院不受理。这件事是否预示了华泽生活的某种 轨迹呢?

华泽认为有影响:“从那时起,我就被国安盯上了。他们第一次找我谈话也是因为那篇文章。他们要调查这篇文章的写作背景,有没有人 背后指使我”,九个 月后,华泽就在北京被国安人员公然绑架了,尽管国安人员当时并未标榜自己是国安人员,他们可能也觉得这种类似黑社会的勾当太失面子吧。

尽管 在海外的人有幸读到华泽写的『飘香蒙难记—第一季上』和『飘香蒙难记—第一季下』,记者在采访时,仍然被华泽冷静的叙述所震撼。那场面,比起好莱坞想 象的最恐怖的黑社会出手的场面有过之无不及。没有真正流血,有致伤的血迹,但比流血的场面还要恐怖,国安人员,顷刻出动,在“天子”鼻子底下,中国首都北 京,对一个弱女子下手了。2010年10月27日这一天,华泽在东北先后参与了律师浦志强,滕彪的办案活动,并进行了拍摄,与滕彪一道乘班机返回北京。回 来的路上就预感不 妙,但想她最坏的情况也就是被控制起来。“绝没有想到会遭到暴力绑架,会从此与世隔绝”。那是一个特别敏感的时期,她在东北十几天的时间,就从网上得知许 多庆祝刘晓波得奖的朋友遭到控制。他们几个当时正好不在,没参加庆祝活动,算是躲过一劫。但是,本能告诉她,千万要小心。于是回来的路上,她就跟滕彪商 量,到他的工作室暂住几天,风头过去了再搬回自己的家。后来华泽发现竟然忘记了自己时刻不能离开的手提电脑。到滕彪的工作室就立刻给民航打电话,民航回答 说找到了,放在民航的失物认领处。华泽随即决定去取,就在去取电脑的路上,在民航干部管理学院门口,不可想象的事情发生了。瞬间,她被人摁住。然后被人往 后拖,头就往后仰,然后黑头套从上面套过来,把她罩住了。

华泽当时的第一反应就是这件事终于发生在她身上了。她感觉绑架她的这些人非常职 业,采取的手段非常暴力。华泽不想就这么从这个世界上消失,拼命挣 扎,感觉黑头套被挣脱掉了。印象中看到绑架者的脸,听到有人说:“弄死你!”华泽用脚勾住面包车的门框,想呼救,但被头朝下,脚朝上塞进了面包车,后来就 晕过去了…

有人把一盆凉水泼到她脸上,她又有了知觉:“我感觉是在一个很黑的屋子里,屋子里一盏很高的灯照着我脸上,周围黑黑的,看不清 楚。我就感觉到有很多 人影走来走去。当时的第一感觉,就是小时看过的『红岩』里渣滓洞的情景,就是在一个审讯室里面。我当时觉得接下来就是各种酷刑。然后就有一个人把我提起 来,咣的一下扔在一个很硬的椅子上,头撞到墙上,就昏过去了…”

华泽受到了轮番审讯,还有小流氓的调戏。但她不断地告诉自己,她没有办法容 忍自己道德上的瑕疵。比如说要她写悔过书或者别的事,如果自己做了,自己 就会看不起自己,从此就会没有勇气生活下去,没有办法面对自己的朋友。华泽当时的想法很明确,无论如何,也绝对不会说出任何朋友的名字;再就是,既然进来 了就做最坏的打算。


审 讯没有结果,当局风声鹤唳,决定把华泽转移到外地去,就这样,在国安人员护送下,华泽被遣返原籍江西新余。在当地在警察日夜轮流监视下一直到12 月20日,诺贝尔和平奖颁奖仪式举行完毕的第三天,才被放了。抓她的时候,采取的是黑社会方式,不需要任何理由;放的时候,也没有任何理由。


华 泽是在声援刘晓波释放的请愿书上公开签了名,华泽是购买了要到欧洲的机票。但到欧洲是在刘晓波获奖以前就决定 的事,票也是在这以前买好的,和刘晓波获奖没有任何关系,当局当时草木皆兵,凡出国者都怀疑会前往奥斯陆参加和平奖颁奖典礼。不少人到了机场被堵住不让登 机,更敏感的人就让你失踪。但是,华泽回想起来,那么多的人“被失踪”,被控制起来,但真正采取如此野蛮手段,使其完全与世隔绝的并不多见。





想起这点的时候,华泽觉得好笑。“他们在恐吓我的时候,我有几次笑了。我那个笑是发自心底的。我觉得我们就这么几个人,而且基本上都是书生,就是仅仅在网 上发起一个呼吁,要求释放一个诺贝尔和平奖的获得者。而且是公开信这样一个方式,我们不过是是签下了自己的名字。然后就用这样的手段,非常黑社会的、黑帮 的手段来对付。我觉得很可笑。我们仅仅几个人,不过发出了自己的声音。我们既没有采取暴力的方式,又没有要求推翻共产党,我真的打心眼里觉得很可笑”。

华 泽把自己看作是一个纪录片工作者,她辞去原来的工作后,就是希望能够拍摄,拍下中国目前的公民运动,拍下一些一些人为中国走向公民运动所做的一些 事情,包括一些律师他们对推动中国的民主法制,推动宪法落实所做的一些事情。华泽觉得把这些记录下来是有意义的。但是,她自己明白,做这些事本身就“触动 了他们的神经”。



远 在北京的华泽,面对自己遭遇的不幸,她想说些什么呢。“我是一个普通的中国的知识分子,我并没有参与太多的一线的维权活动,并不把自己看作是维权 人士,一定要说的话,我觉得自己是一个异议人士,只是发表自己不同的看法,不同的意见。我希望中国的人权状况获得改善,不要因言获罪。我做的事情非常少, 发表了很少的几篇文章,然后就是签签名。朋友遭到了不平等待遇,就要呼吁一下。那我这样的一个人就要遭到暴力的对待,人身的威胁,而且当时我被绑架是我觉 得自己随时都可以从这个世界上消失的,没有人会知道的。

“这种威胁是随时存在的。那我觉得我们一个国家的公民,有免于恐惧的权利,这是一 个非常基本的权利,不能你走在大街上,突然被绑架走,从此你就从这 个世界上消失了。没有经过任何合法的司法程序,没有任何理由,你就这样对待我,这是非常恶劣的。我想提出一个最低的诉求:就是我有免除恐惧的权利。我希望 我和其他的公民不要再遭受到这样的待遇,这种方式太恶劣了,和中国现在在国际上的形象很不符合,我觉得太丢人了。”。


华 泽即使当时遭绑架后,也表现得很镇定,没有害怕。但是她承认,绑架这件事是有后果的。比如说,原来晚上经常独自一个回家,走在路上从来都没有觉得 不安全。但现在晚上一个人走在这条街上,会东张西望,就是觉得自己是不安全的,觉得还会不会有人随时把自己绑架走的。从此以后,你的过往的那种安静的宁静 的生活就没有了。


对 于中国目前的人权状况,华泽的感触是更糟了。她的一些常年做研究,做观察的朋友也是同样的看法。“这种绑架,这种恐吓,这种毫无理由地把你长时间 软禁起来,甚至被旅游,被站上岗的情况越来越多,越来越普遍,而且基本上成为他们一种习惯性的手法。就是,一到他们认为敏感的时间,他们就会这样做。把他 们认为给他们造成麻烦的人全部控制起来,这已经成了他们的一个惯例了”。

2011年 1月 22日



5 3月







华 泽说:“这次被绑架的事件我把它成为第一季,因为很有可能还会有第二次。我从被绑架的那一天到被释放的过程中,没有任何人证实告诉我为什么进去。在我被送 到江西软禁期间有八个看守,24小时跟着,他们私下里会问你认识刘晓波。 我知道绑架我的是国安,不是国保。我基本上判断是因为刘晓波获奖,我们发起签名运动要求当局释放他。”



*国保国安 v.s. 维权人士*



除 了华泽,还许多人都有过类似的经历或遭遇。北京的法律工作者李和平、腾彪、李方平、李劲松、高志晟,济南的孙文广、陈光诚等许许多多中国的持不同政见人士 都有过类似遭遇。至今仍下落不明的维权律师高志晟,就曾写下2009年初流传甚广的文章:“黑夜、黑头套、黑帮绑架”,详述了他被绑架遭到严刑逼供的情 况,引起国际社会高度关注。











4 3月















华:哦, 不是的。

































































































4 3月




华 泽说:(录音)「我觉得言论自由是走向民主自由的第一步,如果没有言论自由的话,其它的自由和民主都谈不上,所以我们要为言论自由而战。我不断地追问那个 法官,宪法35条赋与我的言论自由,我怎么样受到保护,你不受理要给我一个不受理的理由和一个裁定书,但是完全没有,我对法律完全丧失了信心。」


她 说:(录音)「关于删帖的事情,我的新浪博客经常删,都有抗议过,这种情况在中国已经特别特别的普遍了,你只要发表对中国的政治、民生有一点关心,就会有 人来删你的帖。当时在我的博客上跟帖的一个小姑娘,她把我的帖子转帖了,而且介绍给其他人,被警察找到她单位去了,让她写保证书,太过份了,仅仅是在我的 帖子后面跟了帖,表示支持。」



吴 先生还表示,近期谷歌公司不愿再配合中共的网络审查,宣布退出中国,愿意改正以往的过错,期望其他网络公司也能出于道德良知,捍卫网络自由。(录音)「国 际上大的网络公司,比方像思科公司他当时就参与了中国的防火墙,做了很多不光采的事情;现在谷歌他已经改善他以前错误的行为,像思科这种公司他能不能采取 一些措施去改变这个局面呢?」

湖北网民游先生也同样期望其他网络公司向谷歌公司学习,不要配合中共作恶。他说:(录音)「谷歌不配合作 恶,他出走以后,所以当局反而在一个劲地口诛笔伐;谷歌的这行为确实触动了他们,实际上也把他作恶的行径公诸于世,肯定当局是很不满。谷歌要遵守这个信息 自由,作为网络的管理的人士,应该不能再跟黑手去合作,再合作就是再作恶。」




4 3月


日前美国网络搜索公司谷歌因不满中国政府的网络审查而取消中国的搜索业务,将服务器转移到香港,引发外界对中国网络审查的关注。其实,在许多国内论坛,经常 有帖子被网管删除,理由各异,但北京的华泽女士就不能明白,自己一篇忧国忧民的文章为何被删除,而令她更不满的是,中国的法院也不愿按照宪法保护她的言论 自由。





*反响热烈 帖子突然被删*


这三天里,文章得到近4万次点击,跟贴更是近800人次。 以前,面对博客文章被删除,华泽就会用发表公开信等方式发出抗议,但这次稿子被删又有什么不同呢?

*网站不解释 法院不受理*










3 3月

2011年7月 本文(中、英文双语)由HRIC在美国正式出版

一、 绑架






救命!听到自己在尖叫,之后是拼死挣扎,希望拖延时间,让更多的人看到我被绑架的一幕,并能报警。挣扎的过程中,黑头套被我挣脱了,在被七、八个大汉头朝下 脚朝上塞进面包车时,记住了这个最后的镜头:我用双脚勾住白色面包车的门框,不肯就犯。一个绑匪变形的脸,恶狠狠地俯视我:再挣巴就弄死你!随后便失去了 知觉。






二、 较量



他夸张地活动活动手腕,点上一支烟,套上一个透明烟嘴,用带着银戒指的兰花指捏着,踱过来,一屁股坐到靠近我的床边。我低下头不看他。过了一会儿,他用一根 手指按着我的脑门把我的头顶起来,把耷拉下来的一缕头发挑到耳后。然后深深地吸一口烟,悠悠地吐到我的脸上。显然他是想激怒我,我闭上眼睛,不上他的当。 又过了一会(感觉有一个世纪那么长),他把胳膊轻轻搭在了我的腿上,身体向前倾,几乎是耳语:看着我。啊?你看着我嘛。











这个小痞子还挺有耐心,自说自话持续了差不多一小时,进来一个人与他耳语了几句,那人走出去。不一会儿,又进来四、五个人,其中一人十分面熟,像是北京东城 区国保大队的周队长。几个月前曾被他约谈过一次,那次他与我隔桌而坐,虽然言语中透着威胁,但始终面带笑容。现在这人板着脸,带着黑色墨镜,个头也比我印 象中矮不少,显然是这次绑架事件的次要角色。所以我一时还不敢确定。



这次汽车没有行驶多久就停下来,我被带进一个大房间,走了十来步拐进另一个房间后,被按在一个方凳上坐下。随即,房内嘈杂的人声散去了。只留下一个人围着我 开始踱步,静静地房间里只有他的脚步声,一圈又一圈。停下,一把扯下黑头套。也许适应了黑暗,这屋里的亮光刺得我眼睛睁不开。




















































































他 恶狠狠地围着我转了一圈,停在我身后。“礼”完了,要开始“兵”了吧?是什么样的“兵”?传说中的酷刑一件件在脑海里过了一遍。想到某人常说过的话:最看 不起进去就慫,出来就硬的人。我不会给某人机会让他这样评价我的。再说,我这身子骨,估计两下就完,痛苦也不会有多长时间。我准备好了。















































































四周真静啊,只有狗叫声。偶然,远处有飞机轰鸣而过。猜测所处的位置应该是在机场的东面。这是他们的一个秘密处所,专门关押我这样的异议人士?他们有多少这 样的秘密处所?关押过多少异议人士?这里有过酷刑吗?那些从这里走出去的朋友还能过正常的生活吗?一年以前,无论如何,我不会想到自己有今天这样的遭遇。 胡思乱想着,捱到天黑,又天亮。








看守我的人至少有五班,每班两人一男一女,大约两小时一换。每次“二号”一进来,看守立即出去,“二号”一出去,看守立即进来。从看守们简短的交谈中能听出 来,他们是从不同部门抽调来的。他们可能完全不知道我的情况。如果我大声自言自语,让他们知道我是谁,我是如何被绑架到这里来的,他们中间会有人把消息带 出去吗?我不相信这几天接触过的所的人都是铁板一块、铁石心肠。我把头埋在双膝上默默地想着,门“砰”地开了,涌进来一帮人,其中一个紧挨着我坐在了床垫 上。是“一号”,那个小流氓。他用胳膊肘捅捅我的肋骨:




从 这句话里,我再次确认他们不是国保,而是国安。他们接受的就是这样的信息吧?我是间谍,是特务,危害了国家安全,是国家的敌人。否则怎么能让这些受过教育 的年轻人下这样的狠手而不会感到良心不安呢?怎么让他们相信自己从事的职业是有尊严的呢?这会儿他们不是来审讯我的,他们显然是闲得无聊来找乐子。我始终 埋着头,一言不发。闹了一阵,实在没什么可乐的。一帮人扬长而去。












































你们要把我送到哪里去?我连换洗衣服都没有。你们必须通知我的家人。我一把拽下黑头套。两个男人大声喝斥着按住我,黑头套立即又被罩上。右边的那个人用手按 住我的头,我的下巴死死地抵在胸前不能动掸,绑架那天被弄伤的背部痛得像要裂开来。我一边喊:放开我!一边反抗。坐在前座的周国保厉声制止。右边的男人狠 狠攥住了我的手,使劲揉搓。你挣!你挣啊!他的声音低得只有我一人能听见。是那个打手,他在报复我!



















三、 软禁

新余,是江西的一座省辖市。二十一年前,我曾是新余日报的一名记者。1989年辞职后,有过一段浪迹天涯的日子。记不得是哪一年了,我回新余办护照,那时我 的户口还在报社的集体户上,开个证明就得千里迢迢跑回去。于是,我和好友,陈明的妻子建建商量,把户口落到他家,这类琐事以后就可以拜托建建帮我办了。就 这样,陈明成了我的户主。



一登上开往江西的火车,我就要求检查背包。便衣把包递过来,我刚打开背包拉链,手机就掉了出来,女便衣一把抢过:手机我先替你保管。她不知道的是,我另外还 有一部手机。这部手机是专门上推的,我从未用它打过电话,干净得就像初生的婴儿。去东北出差,打电话的那部手机只有一块电池,以防万一,我在这部上推的手 机里,存了两个当时正在拍摄的朋友的电话。依我的记性,自己家的电话号码,如果不存在手机里都是记不住的。这次细心救了我。

我把幸存的手机 悄悄塞在裤兜里。车开后,乘上厕所的机会打了两个电话。第一个打给浦志强,电话响了很久,他没有接。第二个打给滕彪,通话时声音很杂,断断续续,我告诉 他:我被绑架了,绑架我的人中有一个是东城区的国保;我现在正被送往江西新余;我的电脑还在机场,请务必设法帮我拿回来。没说几句电话就断了。这时,浦志 强的电话打了进来,他告诉我,自27号从伊春回北京后他也被软禁着,但是可以与外界联系。我把和滕彪说的话对他重复了一遍,他顿了顿,謓重地对我说:这是 你自己选择的生活。它早晚都要来的。你要学会独自面对。我说:好,我知道了。























到新余后,我被直接送到了消防宾馆。这个宾馆座落在城市北部边缘,六层楼高,最初应该是按三星级标准装修的,不过现在看起来已经有些陈旧了,好在被褥还算柔 软、白净,卫生间也挺宽敝。我住在二楼9207房间,据说这是整个宾馆惟一的三人间。两个女警与我同住,两个男警住在隔壁。每班四人,共两班,二十四小时 一换,我的贴身“保镖”共八人。


“保镖”们自我介绍时,只说姓,不提名。说自己是刑警、经警、治安警,就没有人承认自己是国保。看来这个警种还真是见不得人。不过,我这双已经阅国保无数的眼 睛,一眼就看出了端倪。八个人中有三个市公安局的国保,其余的人都是从各分局抽调来的。我的安保级别高到他们从没经历过,分局的几个人,就连他们的顶头上 司也只知道他们被抽调来执行任务,至于在哪里执行任务,执行什么任务,一律保密。






脱掉衣服,检阅被绑架四天“收获”的伤痛:仁中月牙型的伤口很深。至今轻轻触碰仍有针扎般的刺痛;被撞伤的背部在颈椎下方,晚上睡觉一直不能翻身;四肢和右 手布满青紫色的瘀血,还有扭伤的右脚。仁中和右手的伤是遣返那天打手留下的。其它地方是怎么伤到的?绑架那天曾数次昏厥,怎么也想不起来他们究竟对我做过 什么。



计划11月的欧洲旅行是去不了啦,以后说不定会被限制出境,周游世界的梦想或许就此结束了;滕彪帮我拿回笔记本电脑了吗?千万别落在黑帮手里;我第一次有了 不好的银行信用:信用卡过了还款日,去欧洲旅行的机票刷了两万多,那会是一大笔利息吧?每天要吃的药没有带怎么办?身体会出现什么后果?

我想来想去怎么都是身外之事?自由都没有了,这些还有什么可担心的?不能周游世界就不能吧,好些人连北京都没离开过呢;信用不好就不好吧,反正以后也没打算 从银行贷款;笔记本电脑滕彪一定会想办法帮我拿的,即使拿不回来也没办法;药不吃又有什么了不起?被绑架时连死的准备都做好了。惟一不放心的是母亲,她有 心脏病。10月8号诺奖公布那天晚上,许多朋友在庆祝聚餐时被抓,第二天母亲离开北京回江西,在火车站告别时曾向她保证:我不会有事,放心吧!现在我只想 对她说:对不起!妈妈,我没有遵守诺言。


第 二天一早,去火车站接我的国保陈建军推门进屋,一边接电话,一边指着我:你和北京联系了?你还有通讯工具?他扭头示意两个女“保镖”:搜她身,包,床! ——我的手机被搜走了,那是我与外界联系的惟一希望。顺便搜走的还有背包里的一些小型专业设备:无线音频发射器、微型摄像机,他们不知道那是干什么用的, 全都拿走才放心。











我一下就冒火了:即使我是罪犯,你们还得通知我的家人呢。对一个守法的公民你们却连起码的人道都不讲。我有另一个手机,是北京警方交接时没有告诉你们,那不 是我的错。向朋友通报消息是我的权利。你们要以此来惩罚我?好吧。不是怕我与外界联系吗?从现在开始,我宣布绝食!我倒下时你们得送我去医院吧?到医院我 就大声呼救,告诉所有人你们绑架了我。说完,我离开餐桌,扬长而去。听到后面几个人追上来的脚步声。















10 年前的圣诞夜,在三里屯的一间酒吧里,我认识了北大在读博士许志永。那天,一票朋友和朋友的朋友们在那里狂欢,喧闹噪杂的环境中,我和志永静静地交谈,他 谈自己的宪政理想,谈他定点做基层选举田野调查的乡村···这些话题深深打动了我,因为他的理想也正是我的理想。十年后他为我争取言论自由的案件做代理, 给予了我许多无私的帮助。


一年多来,我参与、拍摄了许多或由公盟发起,或由公盟援助、或由公盟关注的公民行动与法律个案:暴力拆迁、教育平等、74推友日、赵连海案、福建三网民案、 夏峻峰案、冷国权案··· 共同的理念和行动,使我们结下了深厚的友谊。在我的心里,志永和滕彪不仅是我的战友,他们如同我的手足。

去年初,我因发表《寻找中国之路》被国保骚扰,我打电话向庆妈诉说内心的绝望与无助。庆妈是谭作人的妻子,我认识多年的朋友。庆妈说:你需要一名律师,去找浦 志强吧。于是给志强打电话,半小时后在他凌乱不堪的办公室里我们第一次见面。在志强面前,我觉得自己完全不像是个学法律的人,就是个絮絮叨叨的求助者。他 打断我:




从此,一遇到 麻烦我就会向他诉说,仍然是絮絮叨叨,直到把他说烦为止,他脸上的表情和神态,明明白白地写着,我就是那个老叫狼来了的孩子。直到10月24日我在伊春与 他分手,去丹东与滕彪会合。短短几天里,他每次打电话、发短信,结尾总有两个字:保重!我突然感到:他在向我预警。而此刻,让我悲哀的是,在这片土地上, 预警,是我的律师惟一能为我做的事情。

第一次知道崔卫平的名字是因为海子。那时我准备为诗人海子做一部传记片。在查找资料时,我看到崔老师 研究海子的系列文章。第一眼,她的文字就打动了我,从那以后,几乎读遍了所有能找到的她的文章。第一次见到她是在送别屠夫去福州的晚宴上。那是416的前 奏,屠夫去福州为三网友案打前站,前途凶险。崔老师高调加入关注团以示声援。她说:今天我们不关心世界,我们只关心屠夫。几天后她写下了长诗《这些义人们 哪》 ,其中有一段竟是为我而作。



11 月14日晚餐后,回到房间不久,我正靠在床上看书。听到敲门声,我没有在意,以为是隔壁的”保镖”。女国保欧阳去开门,听到外面有人说:找华泽,欧阳 “咣”的一声关上了门。心里立即明白了是怎么回事。只听到外面有人高声喊:华泽,华泽,你答应一声,让我们知道你在里面。我迅速从床上坐起来,女国保愣愣 地看着我。外面的声音更大了:华泽,我们爱你!眼泪奔涌而出,不顾一切冲向房门。因为欧阳站在旁边,门只能打开一条缝,看到门外一女两男,三张陌生的面 孔。







屋内死一般的沉寂,随后欧阳一边换衣服,一边说:那两个人是新钢的,所谓的维权人士,他们很坏,专门挑动别人和政府做对···根本没听清她在说什么。心里只 有一个念头。太好了,欧阳认出了那两个网友,网友也一定认出了她。他们今晚就会在推上公布我的消息。我不可能从这个世界消失而不为人所知了。




这 个酒店没有自己的餐厅,要到隔壁的酒楼用餐,每顿饭要不得超标,要不就吃得不好。房间里也没有空调,很冷。在这里住了十天,我倒没有什么意见,可”保镖” 们受不了了。看看没什么危险,网友不过是来看望一下,也没打算劫持我。于是第十一天,在”保镖”们的强烈要求下,我们又搬回了消防宾馆。

搬回消防宾馆不久的一天夜里,我做了一个梦。冬日清晨的峨眉山上,大雪缓缓飘落,远近山峦白茫茫一片。晨钟从山脚下的寺院响起,一波一波往上传,一直响到山 顶,此起彼伏。这是1994年春节的真实场景。那年,我第一次到四川,认识了谭作人夫妇。16年后,一模一样的场景出现在我的梦中。而这时,我的生活因谭 叔被判刑已彻底改变。


平时,我每天都记日记,我的日记记得非常潦草,基本上没有完整的段落,就是一些只言片语,提示我自己不要忘记发生了哪些重要的事情,和当时的内心感受。因为 我知道欧阳常常偷看我的日记。只要我离开房间,我就会在日记上做记号,日记摆放的角度,一根发丝等等。所以,我要送出去的消息必须非常秘密,不能被她发 现。

这个纸条是夜晚躲在厕所里写的,大意是:我被软禁了,不能和家人联系,请帮我将这个短信发给186···和139···(这两个号码是 滕彪和浦志强的手机。在火车上我已经把它们牢牢地记在了心里。这两个电话号码,我一辈子都不会忘记了)。以下是短信内容:1、我的手机已被没收,这是请陌 生人帮忙发的信息。请不要公布出去。2、如果颁奖日之后还不释放我,我会绝食,请设法救我。3、如果可能(我担心他们也被限制了自由),我委托你们做我的 律师。我有一份写给浦志强的委托书放在家中(附具体放置的地方、有我家钥匙的某人联系方式)。4、我在新余国保手中,现软禁在新余消防宾馆9207房间。 我把这张纸条和50元钱放在了贴身的衣兜里。





即使到诺奖颁奖日第二天就释放我,我也已经与世隔绝整整45天了。对于视自由比生命还重要的我来说,这样的代价实在是太大了。有时我会想,如果当初被绑架 后,我的态度不是那样强硬,他们问什么我说什么,他们也许会放了我,或者只是限制我的行动,不会让我与世隔绝。是的,这完全有可能。不过,我一点也不后 悔。从他们采取暴力绑架我的那一刻起,他们就阻断了与我谈判的可能。我不是不能妥协,我是不能向暴力屈服。


终于熬到了诺奖颁奖日那一天。按照诺奖公布日的时间推测,颁奖应该是在北京时间下午五点左右。按我的情况推测,所有可能去挪威的人都会受到限制。所以,国内 没有人可能到现场。我希望,领奖台上,和领奖台下被邀请的嘉宾席上,是一排排空椅子,镜头缓缓推向这些空椅子。它再好不过的说明了中国的人权状况,说明了 这个奖颁给晓波的伟大意义。想到那个场景,我哭了(在我获释后不久,终于看到了颁奖的录像。那个场景———真是空椅子!)。






















分宜离新余只有30多公里,开车半个多小时就到了县城,两辆车穿过县城的闹市区,向郊外驶去。越走越荒芜,最后开到一个山脚下的度假村。分宜县公安局的人在 这里等着我们。我们一行是这个度假村惟一住宿的人。可能是山里的原因,这里非常冷,比城里气温至少低3度。整个晚上我都裹在被子里胡思乱想:他们是不是要 送我去劳教?会不会逮捕我?今年五月份就有一个在江西因“煽颠罪”被捕,后取保候审的朋友告诉我,江西警方向他调查过我。





















































HRIC:The Ordeal of a Fragrant Soul

3 3月

Hua Ze

The Kidnapping

I have stayed in Northeast China for two weeks, filming during the daytime, and surfing the Internet at night. I know that after Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Prize, Beijing became very tense. After consulting with Teng Biao,1 I decided to stay in his office in Wangjing, a suburb outside Beijing, for a while and return to Beijing after it recovers from the madness.

On October 27, 2010, I board my flight around noon and turn off my mobile phone so that my location cannot be tracked. I take out the battery and SIM card, breaking off communications with others.

Around 3:00 p.m., I land at Beijing Airport, say goodbye to Teng Biao and others, and take the airport shuttle bus to Wangjing with his assistant, Huanhuan. On the highway, I realize my notebook computer is missing. My damned memory! I must have left it on the plane.

Upon arriving at Teng Biao’s office, I put down my luggage and use a landline to contact the “lost and found” office at the airport. I am told that they have information on my computer in their database. I immediately go to the College of Administration for Civil Aviation Officials, a block away, to take the shuttle bus to the airport.

As I approach the college gates, someone grabs me from behind and drags me backwards, face up, as a black hood comes down from above. My first thought is that the black hood is thick and stinks of feet.

“Help!” I hear myself cry and struggle desperately, hoping that I can hold on until the people who witness the kidnapping can report it to the police. During the struggle, the black hood falls off. As seven to eight strongmen are stuffing me head down and feet up into a white minivan, I resist by hooking my feet to the door frame, while a kidnapper’s distorted face stares down ferociously and says: “If you go on resisting, you will die!” A moment later, I lose consciousness.

When I wake up, I feel the minivan stop and think we have arrived at the destination. Soon the minivan starts to move again, and stop again. After several rounds of stopping and going, it speeds up. I realize that we were waiting at traffic lights, and now we are on a highway heading to the suburbs.

I don’t how long afterwards; cold water hits me in the face. In a daze, I see a dark room, with one light, aimed directly at my face. Many faces are swaying in front of me. A hand reaches out, grabs my collar, yanks me up from the ground, and throws me onto a stool. My head hits the wall hard. I taste blood, and my chest hurts. It reminds me of the “Garbage Cave” from the novel The Red Rock.2

After fainting several times, I finally wake up. I am lying on a bed. Although my body is extremely weak, as if a tide has receded from the top of my head, my mind is gradually becoming clear: so everything is finally happening. So quick! I don’t know what time it is. Do my friends know I am missing? Tomorrow at the latest, Huanhuan will go to the office and should realize that I never returned after I left. Surely she will inform Teng Biao.

After looking around, I guess that I am in a hostel in the suburbs. The room is about 12 square meters; the door and toilet are to the north, and a window to the south. A writing desk and a chair, originally on the side facing east, have been stacked together and moved to under the window. In their place, there is a stool against the wall, where I hit my head previously. To the west is the bed I am lying on now. There are five or six people walking back and forth, whispering to each other. Someone realizes that I am awake.

Before the interrogation, I set two rules for myself: First, death by starvation is trivial compared to the loss of integrity. I can talk about myself, but will never name my friends. Second, it is better to be jade smashed to pieces than a tile kept intact. Now that I am here, I have to prepare for the worst.

The Face-off

I struggle to sit up from the bed and lean against the headboard. A wave of stabbing pain comes over my back; I don’t know when I got injured.

The interrogation begins. As other people leave the room, only No. 1 remains (I am numbering interrogators in order of appearance). He looks to be around 30 years old. His hair sweeps up with the help of a thick coat of mousse. A narrow-waisted, short-sleeved shirt hangs on his body, with the collar open to reveal a silver necklace that weighs at least a kilogram. I really want to tell him: it looks like a chain for a dog — ugly.

He twists his wrists with exaggeration, lights up a cigarette, and places it in a cigarette holder that is transparent. He uses two fingers (one with a silver ring) to hold it, as his fingers spread out like an orchid. He strolls toward me and plops down close to me on the bed. I lower my head to ignore him. A few moments later, he uses one finger to press on my forehead to lift up my head, and tuck a lock of my hair behind my ear. He then takes a deep drag of his cigarette and blows smoke slowly at my face. Obviously he wants to provoke me. I close my eyes; I am not fooled. Sometime later (it feels like a century), he puts his arms gently on my legs, his body leaning forward, almost whispering to me: “Look at me.Look at me!”

I look up, unmoved, but make eye contact with him as he stares flirtingly. He raises one eyebrow and moves closer to me, less than one foot away, while making goo-goo eyes.

“Please keep away from me!” I try hard to sound strong.

“How far?”

“As far as possible.”


“I hate smoke.”

He gets up, walks to the table, puts out the cigarette, and comes back.

“Look, no more cigarette. Now isn’t it time to talk? What is your name?”

“I have nothing to tell you. Bring your boss here.”

I close my eyes and ignore him.

This little punk has plenty of patience and begins a monologue that lasts for almost an hour. A man comes in, whispers in his ear, and quickly leaves. A moment later, another group of four to five people comes in. One of them looks familiar. He looks like Captain Zhou of Domestic Security3 in the Dongcheng [Eastern] District of Beijing. Several months ago he summoned me for a “chat.” On that occasion, we sat across a table. Although his words were threatening, he kept a smile the entire time. Now the person before me looks stone-faced, wears sun-glasses, and is shorter than the one I remember. It’s clear that he only has a supporting role in this kidnapping. Therefore, at this moment, I’m afraid I can’t be sure.

“Get up and follow us!” someone orders.

I move to one side of the bed and put on my shoes. As soon as I touch ground, the pain is so excruciating that I’m immediately drenched in cold sweat. My ankle is injured. Before I can think, the black hood comes down again. Dragged and lifted by two men, I stumble out of my cell. We walk down a long corridor and pass through a gate. I am stuffed into a vehicle like merchandise.

The vehicle soon comes to a stop. I am led into a big room, and after ten steps or so, I arrive at another room. I am pressed down onto a square stool. Immediately, the din from the people inside the room subsides. Only one person is left walking slowly around me. In the quiet room, his footsteps are the only sound, one circle after another. He stops and snatches off my black hood. Probably because I have gotten used to the darkness, the light is so harsh that I cannot open my eyes.

“What is your name?”

I see them clearly: a pair of hiking boots. I look up slowly: hiking pants, a blue athletic shirt, a leisure jacket. He is a pale-skinned young man, with eyes as big as those of an antelope — No. 2. He looks like the outdoorsy type.

“What is your name?” he asks again.

“You don’t know who I am, and you kidnapped me?”

“Just answer my question.”

“Hua Ze.”

My eyes have adjusted to the environment. Looking around, I am sitting in the middle of a room that is about 20-30 square meters. There are two chairs and a desk roughly three meters in front of me, with a square briefcase on top. It is a recorder. A classic scene of interrogation you often see in movies.

“Did you just get off the airplane this afternoon?”


“From where?”


“What were you doing?”

“Shooting a movie.”

“How many days were you there?”

“Three days.”

“What did you film?”

“A lawyer working on a case.”

“What did they do?”

“Interview relevant parties and their families and photocopy files in the court and procuratorate.”

“You need three days for all this?”

“We still did not have enough time.”

“Who is the lawyer?”

“I do not want to say.”

“Why not?”

“I do not want to mention names.”

He walks back and forth again, saying: “You look very weak.”

“I am in pain and tired and I can’t sit.”

He brings a chair to me: “Sit down then. Better?”

“Yes. Thanks.”

“Shall we continue?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why did you film this particular lawyer?”

“I like to.”

“Why do you like to?”

“Do you have to have a reason?”

“Why not?”

“I do not need a reason to like.”

I hear him take several deep breaths. He pauses for a moment, and then resumes.

“Where will you broadcast it afterwards?”

“Whoever pays for it will broadcast it. If CCTV4 wants it, I have no problem [selling it to them].”

“If no one wants it, then what?”

“Then I will dedicate it to people I like.”

“Are you just going to film this one lawyer, or do you plan on having a series?”

“I am not sure. If I find someone I like, then I will do it again.”

“What do you mean by ‘like’?”

“You won’t understand, even if I explain.”

“How did you know this lawyer?”

“Too far back to remember.”

He keeps trying to find out more about the lawyer and the filming but gets nothing.

“Pang!” The door is pushed open. A tall man makes his grand entrance escorted by four or five men.

No. 3 is about forty years old, small-eyed, and in Western clothes. His shoes are so polished that even a fly would slip off of them. He plops his cigarette pack and mobile phone on the desk, and sits down. He crosses his legs. He shakes his legs nonstop and says furiously: “Don’t mess with my brothers. Didn’t you say you wanted to see the leader? Here I am. I must tell you, I am too busy to talk nonsense with you. You’d better be forthcoming. Will you chat?”

“Haven’t I been chatting with your brothers?”

“This can’t continue — it’s going nowhere. One moment you say you can’t remember; another moment you say you don’t want to talk. You call this chatting? In here, you still want to call the shots? No way! Let me tell you: Anyone who comes in here can’t get out easily. Whatever I ask, you answer. That’s what we call a chat, understand?”

“Would you please show me your ID? Which department are you with?”

“If I tell you, you will be scared to death.”

I am wondering: I have dealt with Domestic Security for one or two days and have never felt scared. Maybe they are the State Security?5 “Tell me then.”

“I can’t tell you now. Later.”

I laugh. No. 3 becomes so upset that he is gnashing his teeth, and his face is contorted.

“Do you believe that I can make you disappear from this world right now?”

I continue to laugh and stare at him as if watching a show. Then I hear a dog barking outside.

“Believe me — I will bring the wolf dog in to play with you.”

“Okay!” I’m laughing so hard that I can’t collect myself.

No. 2, who is standing next to him, jumps in to help:

“Why are you so arrogant? What’s so funny? You should be scared, like normal people who are brought here.”

“Why should I feel scared? You guys kidnapped a totally defenseless woman and don’t even dare reveal your identities or names. This tells me that you are even more scared than I am. Since you are so scared, there’s no need for me to be.”

No. 3 is clearly furious. He bangs the desk: “I am asking you for the last time, will we chat or not?”

“There’s nothing to chat about.”

“Fine, you want to be Sister Jiang?6 I will lend you a hand. I always show courtesy before using force. Now that the courtesies are over, it’s time for the rough stuff. You just wait!” After he finishes, he charges out the door as if he’s fleeing. All the men in the room swarm out after him.

I throw this sentence at him right before he leaves:

“Since being kidnapped, I have never expected to leave alive.”

The door slams shut and then opens again. Here comes No. 4. He shouts at me: “Stand up! Getting comfortable sitting?”

As soon as I stagger up, he kicks away the chair under me.

“Do you have a proper line of work?”

I look at him, puzzled: what does he mean?

“You have no man, and no proper line of work.”

Now I understand. “You think what you are doing is a proper line of work?”

“You just shut up! Our leader is showing you respect by asking you questions. You call that an answer? That’s worse than not answering. If you answer like that, it would be better that you not talk at all.”

It’s true that I don’t have much to say to this scrawny, cowardly man.

“Why don’t you find a man? Why don’t you find a proper line of work? What are you now?”

What kind of logic is this?! Has this guy ever gone to school?

He repeats numerous times these two ridiculous sentences. It seems that he is very concerned about my not having a man or a proper line of work.

I look at him, speechless.

“Well, you don’t speak. Why don’t you speak?”

I am wondering: Isn’t he the one who just told me it is better not to speak?

In anger he circles around and stops behind me. “Courtesy” is over. Will the rough stuff begin? What kind of rough stuff? All the cruel punishments I have heard of are flashing through my mind. I remember what someone I know often says: the most despicable people are the ones who cower when they’re taken in and act tough when they come out. I’m not going to give this person an opportunity to judge me that way. What’s more, my body would probably give out after a few shakes, so the pain would not last long. I am ready for it.

Why doesn’t he start? How long has it been? My right foot hurts so much that I shifted all my weight to the left foot. I’m now in a daze. Don’t collapse, please, never! Don’t let them think that I’m scared.

I start to hear someone talking to me. I’m slowly regaining my consciousness. It is No. 2. He brings back the chair for me to sit down. He starts to play the good guy: “Why are you shivering?”


He leaves for a while and comes back with a white bed sheet: “I didn’t find any clothing. Take this instead.”

I wrap myself in the sheet. No. 2 pulls up another chair and sits next to me. He starts talking in a heartfelt way. “Why are you so stubborn? Actually we just want you to have a good attitude.”

“In broad daylight, you guys illegally kidnapped a law-abiding citizen and brought me here. What qualifies you to talk about ‘good attitude’ with me?”

“If you keep trying to find out how you got here, this thing will never end. You cannot change reality.”

“I know I cannot change reality, but I can refuse to cooperate. It is not possible for me to cooperate with even little thugs.”

“Little thugs? Who are the little thugs?”

“Those who harass me, those who want to make me disappear from this world. I can bear big thugs, but not little ones.”

“What is the difference?”

“Big thugs try hard to conceal their nature, for they know it is ugly. Little thugs nakedly play out their thug nature, because they think the ugly is beautiful.”

“Oh, that sounds right. But you are too arrogant, don’t you know? Do you realize that? Your attitude makes people feel provoked.”

I correct him: “I’m not trying to provoke you — that would be beneath me. To make me disappear? Don’t play this game with me.”The more I talk the angrier I get. “It’s just death, isn’t it? We taxpayers spend money to support you evildoers. Seeing and hearing about your evil deeds every day has made me tired of living for a long time.”

With patience, he says: “Have you thought about this? We may not let you die, but just let you waste away. Could you stand that?”

“So just let me waste away. Once the oil dries up, the light will go out.”

“Why can’t you go along with this? Isn’t what you do respectable? Why can’t you talk about it?”

“I have already told you, I can talk about myself, but not others.”

“Even now, you are still thinking of others? You don’t even know whether you can get out of here.”

“For me, the peace of my inner heart and the freedom of my soul are more important than the freedom of my body. You couldn’t understand.”

He pauses in silence for a while: “Let me think about this. You also think about it some more. It’s too late for tonight. You can rest.”

I ask to use the toilet. He calls a female guard to accompany me. When I come out, I see a mattress with bedding on the floor. The female guard says: “Just make do with this for sleep.”

What? That’s all? No torture? No wasting me away? Regardless, let me just lie down and warm my weak and shivering body.

A man and a woman move two chairs to sit beside my mattress. For the first time in my life, I close my eyes under the light of a 200-watt bulb and the watch of two guards.

Although exhausted, I have a sleepless night and can feel my heart pounding hard in my chest. My whole body starts aching: shoulders, abdomen, and four limbs. Probably the result of the hysterical struggle I put up when I was being kidnapped. I exerted too much force.

I lie there resigned. As they change guards, the footsteps, the murmurs, the squeaks of chairs, and the sound of breathing are all so vivid. I don’t know what time it is. Daylight is piercing through the thick window curtain. The room faces south. A short and stout man enters. (I know this hired thug is one of the kidnappers from yesterday!) As he walks towards me, he keeps his hands in his pants’ pockets. He stares at me with a vicious look. He kicks the mattress twice: “Get up! You think you’re here to recuperate?”

I get up, make my bed, and then sit on the mattress silently.

No. 2 comes in, pulls up a chair, and sits next to me.

We continue our topic from yesterday.

“Let me repeat: I will only talk about me, nobody else.”

“Is this your principle?”


“What does your name Hua Ze mean?”

“It means the ocean of flowers. Classical Chinese does not distinguish between the Hua that means flower and the Hua that means grand.”

He starts to ask me about some trivial things, which seem boring to me, but perhaps are important to him: my family background, my upbringing, my education, etc. The conversation flows aimlessly.

“From yesterday to today, there have been 20 to 30 people who have handled me. Is this how you waste taxpayers’ money?” I ask.

“How do you know we are spending taxpayers’ money?” He looks at me full of interest.

“You’re not?”

“Not necessarily.”

“Don’t tell me that you get paid by Anyuanding.”7

“It’s hard to say.”

“Working this job must be very painful, right? It haunts you, doesn’t it?”

“How can you be so sure?”

“You look educated – at least a college graduate. Will you tell your family that you kidnapped me?”

“You can’t say that this is a kidnapping.”

“Then what is it?”

“We call it: ‘taking in.’”

“Do you realize this is illegal?”

“Laws consist of many layers, some you know about, and others you don’t.”

“Oh, that’s new to me. What I don’t know is also called law.” I look at him with curiosity: “Tell me, which department are you from?”

“Even if I tell you, you will not understand. Even if in the future we see each other on another occasion, you will still not understand.”

“Then just tell me your name. Even though you are a member of this organized criminal gang, someday when you are on trial, I can testify in court that you did not torture me while I was kidnapped.”

He chuckles, “When do you think this day will come?”

“Heaven’s plans outstrip man’s. It may take ten years, or just one night. But I believe in our life time, you and I will both see this day.”

“Then what do you plan to do before this day?”

“To use my pen, my heart, and my camcorder to make a record of the changes of these times.”

He nods and changes the topic, “You should eat something. What would you like?”

“I would like to brush my teeth first. If I don’t brush my teeth, I can’t eat anything.”

He spends the next ten-plus minutes trying to convince me that rinsing with water can also clean my mouth. I insist that I must use a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Finally he says, “In fact, it wouldn’t be too hard to find a toothbrush, but you seemed emotionally unstable last night. I am concerned you would hurt yourself.”

“So that’s how it is! While I sleep I have someone by my side. When I go to the toilet, I also have a ‘bodyguard’ next to me – all because you are afraid I will commit suicide?”

“Yes, you did not even blink an eye yesterday when you talked about death. That scared me.”

Now it is my turn to laugh: “Take it easy, I won’t kill myself. But if I did, my blood would be on your hands.”

“If you are killed here, no one would know.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Is there not one among the twenty or thirty of you who has a conscience? Even if no one speaks out today, how can you guarantee that no one will speak out ten or twenty years from now? Don’t be so self-confident.”

“Are you really not afraid of death?’

“However you live, you only live once. It’s better to live a short and meaningful life than a long and ordinary one. So what is there to be afraid of?”

“Then you must eat something, and take good care of your body, so you will be able to live brilliantly.”

“I must finish brushing my teeth before eating anything.”

“You’re so stubborn, you know? Many of your friends are smarter than you are.”

“I know.”

The result of this negotiation is that I have to use my fingers to brush my teeth with toothpaste. Then I eat a few pieces of green vegetables, mushrooms, and some instant noodles.

No. 2 leaves. Two guards immediately come in and sit on either side of me. It seems I can continue to rest.

That ends today’s “talk”. What do they want? They made such an effort to kidnap me to just let me stay? Clearly, we cannot understand each other. We are not the same kind of people. The difference between us is much greater than that between a wolf and dog.

It’s so quiet, except for the barking of dogs. Occasionally, you hear the rumble of a passing airplane. I guess I am east of the airport. Is this a secret place specifically used to lock up dissidents like me? How many secret places like this do they have? How many dissidents have they locked up? Did they torture people here? Can those who get out of here return to a normal life? Just one year ago I could never have imagined my current situation. My thoughts are running wild. It turns dark and then bright.

The hired thug returns and kicks my mattress. I turn over and show him my back. He lifts off my covers. I keep still and ignore him. He gets mad and walks around my mattress twice. Then he starts yelling and cursing: “You cheap bitch. Who do you think you are? What the fuck are you pretending to be?” He goes on and on with disgusting words that I cannot put on paper.

I gather my courage and sit up suddenly: “What are you? Get out of here!”

He comes closer to me: “Say it again? I’ll kill you!”

No. 2 rushes in. I shout to him: “Keep this hatchet man off me. When you want to kill me, then you let him in.”

No. 2 stops the hatchet man who is rushing at me. Before he leaves, he points his finger at me: “You just wait! I’ll drag you out, dig a pit, and bury you!”

I’m shaking with rage: “I wait to be buried by you guys. I know you’d do it. But keep in mind, there’ll be a day when you are tried!”

This is the third day after being kidnapped. How can I let my friends outside know where I am?

There are at least five shifts of people guarding me. There are one man and one woman in every shift, which changes approximately every two hours. Every time No. 2 comes in, the guards leave immediately; when he leaves, they come back right away. Judging from their brief conversations, they come from different departments. They may know nothing about my background. If I talk loudly to myself, letting them know who I am, how I was kidnapped, will one of them send out a message for me? I don’t believe that all the people I have come into contact with are cold-hearted. I bury my head in my knees and think quietly.

“Pang!” The door is pushed open. A gang of men rush in. One of them sits close to me on the mattress. This is No. 1, the little hooligan. He pokes at my ribs with his elbow: “Raise your head! Look at me!”

I don’t move and keep silent. He pokes again, and again. I still keep silent. He lights his cigarette, takes a drag, finds a perfect spot, and blows the smoke at me through the space between my head and elbows. I move away from him and keep burying my head. He continues to move close to me: “Hello, why are you so calm? Trained in Taiwan?” Laughter breaks out from others.

Judging from this, again I’m sure that they are not from Domestic Security, but State Security. Perhaps they have been told that I am a spy and special agent, have endangered state security, and therefore, have become an enemy of the state. Otherwise, how can these educated young people do such wicked things without feeling a bit of unease in their conscience? How can you make them believe what they do has any dignity? At this moment, they clearly have come not to interrogate me, but to have some fun while they are bored. I keep silent with my head buried. After they have messed around for a while, they lose interest. The entire gang walks out in a drove.

Afterwards, No. 2 comes in occasionally to stand around and chat with me. I realize that he is trying to figure out what is in my backpack. “Is your backpack for a video recorder or camera?”

“For both.”

“Where are they?”

“I left them at a friend’s home.”

He tries to figure out what the SD cards are for. Since these cards are for professional use, he cannot see the data inside by using an ordinary camera.

“Did you make the April 16th documentary?”8


“It wasn’t that good. Any storyteller can do it. It had no technique.”

“Thank you for your compliment. The highest achievement in making a documentary is the invisibility of technique.”

“Why do you care about these people?”

“I love them.”

“Are you kidding? You love so many people, but are not married.”

“The love I am talking about is different from yours.”

He has been watching the April 16th documentary. Is he moved by the scenes that have affected so many? I want to tell him: that is love.

“How many mobile phones do you have?”


“Why did you take them apart?”

“To clean them.”

“Why keep them off?”

“To save battery life.”

He is examining my mobile phones. I have two. The one I use exclusively for Twitter was bought a few months ago. He’s touched it. It’s dirty now.

“Your life was not bad; you have been to quite a few countries.”

“Yes. My dream is to travel around the world.”

Is he looking at the pictures I took? There is nothing in my USB drive. Is he reading my blog?

“You made a lot of money?”

“Every penny I make is clean.”

“Don’t you wish to return to your past life?”

“I wish it every day. But I can’t go back.”

“We can help you.”

“You? Help me? How? Will you make the kidney stone babies healthy again?9 Will you release Zhao Lianhai?10Will you bring back to life all the school children killed by the collapse of the shoddily constructed school buildings in the Wenchuan earthquake?”11

“Is there a single thing in this country that you are satisfied with?”

“I just want to ask you one question: Why did you kidnap me? Did I break the law? Would any government in a civilized country do things like this?”

“Of course, the American CIA kidnaps people too.”

“Young man, you’ve probably watched too many American blockbuster movies. The CIA only operates abroad, not domestically. There’s no way it kidnaps citizens at home.”

“Do you ever know how to compromise?”

“People with different interests can compromise, but how do you compromise with thugs? How do you compromise with the man who rapes you? If he says he will rape you ten times, do you compromise at two times? He says he will do it for one hour, would you compromise at twenty minutes? ”

Then he turns and walks out.

After another sleepless night, I get up feeling extremely weak. My denim overalls have become loose. I put on my shoes and stand up unsteadily, stepping on the bottom of the jeans’ legs. I bend down to roll it up. As I try to stand up again, I blackout.

I hear a hubbub; it seems very far away. Someone is pinching me just beneath the nose, the fingernails almost piercing to my bone. I open my eyes in pain and see the gloating face of the hatchet man. I am lying there, face-up and helpless. Five or six men surround me, including No. 3 and Captain Zhou from the Beijing Dongcheng District Domestic Security detachment. Now I’m sure that is him, although he still wears sunglasses and doesn’t say a word.

“Get up, put on your jacket, and follow us.”

I am carried away. The black hood is put on me for the third time, and I am pushed into the backseat of a car. With two men sandwiching me on both sides, I leave the place where I have been imprisoned for four days.

Unsure of where I am being taken, I try to guess the directions. The car zigzags continuously. A call comes in. I can tell Captain Zhou is sitting in the front passenger seat answering the phone. I hear a long sigh from him. It sounds like this assignment has not been handled very well. After roughly two hours, I hear the announcement through the train station’s loudspeaker: “Attention please! Passengers… ” I realize they are sending me back to my hometown.

“Where are you sending me? I have no clean clothes with me. You have to notify my family.” I tore off the black hood. The two men yell at me loudly and force the hood back on me. The man sitting on my right pinned my head down with his hands. My chin is pushed against my chest and I cannot move at all. The part of my back that was injured on the day of the kidnapping hurts so much that it feels as if it were splitting open. As I resist, I scream loudly: “Let go of me!” Captain Zhou in the front seat orders me to stay quiet. The man on my right grips my hands tightly and squeezes them. “You want to fight? Then fight!” His voice is so low, only I can hear. It is the hatchet man again. He is getting his revenge!

Captain Zhou opens the door and gets out. As the hatchet man tries to twist my wrist to my back, he curses through his teeth: “You want to shout? Go on! Aren’t you so tough? I’m going to crush you! Crush you, you cheap bitch!”

I struck back loudly: “You, the dregs of mankind, are not even fit to carry my shoes! You can kill me if you dare!”

My wrist is twisted by him to form a 30 degree sharp angle. I have spasms in all four limbs and gradually they become numb and lose feeling.

Captain Zhou returns to the car. The car starts and then stops after a short distance.

“Get out!”

“I cannot move my leg.”

“Damn, what are you faking?”

The hired thug kicks me and drags me out. Before I am dragged out of the car, the black hood is removed.

I am standing on the train platform, just in front of a car. The bright sunshine of late autumn shines on my face.

In broad daylight, in clear view of the whole world, I was kidnapped openly and dragged on the ground by two men. I cannot hold my tears any more. They pour down.

I cry out: “Let go of me! Let go of me!”

Someone grabs me from behind: “You cannot treat her this way. You let go of her.”

I look up and ask: “Who are you?”

“I am Chen Ming.” (A pseudonym.)

“Ah, Chen Ming? Is it you?”

“Yes, it’s me, Chen Ming, to accompany you back to Xinyu.”

Chen Ming is the office director of Xinyu Broadcasting and Television Bureau and the husband of my friend. After many years of not seeing each other, we are meeting here in this manner.

Chen Ming carries me to the train, my limbs all numb. The passengers have not been allowed on board, so there is only Chen Ming, myself, and two Domestic Security officers who claim to be plain clothes policemen working for the neighborhood sub-district office.

Forty minutes later, the train leaves the Beijing West Station. After a total of 68 hours, I’m finally leaving the evil grip of a criminal gang and starting my soft detention.

House Arrest

Xinyu is a provincial city in Jiangxi Province. Twenty-one years ago, I was a reporter for The Xinyu Daily. After resigning in 1989, I went through a period of roaming. I do not remember exactly which year I returned to Xinyu to process my passport application. At the time, since my household registration was still with the collective registration system at the newspaper, I had to travel a thousand miles just to get a confirmation certificate. I asked my good friend Jianjian, Chen Ming’s wife, to let me register my household under hers so that she could help me handle this kind of bureaucratic minutiae. And just like that, Chen Ming became my “head of household.”

Approximately one month before I was kidnapped, Domestic Security agents contacted Chen Ming to get background information on me and informed him that I was involved in some major rights defense activities. Chen Ming went home and asked Jianjian: “Could it really be Hua Ze? Would she be involved in these kinds of activities?” Jianjian was sure: “It’s her, alright. I know her.”

On the evening of October 28, Chen Ming was notified by his superior that he should go with the municipal Domestic Security personnel to pick me up in Beijing, and that his work unit would pay for all of the expenses of this trip. I don’t know whether Chen Ming regretted having allowed me to transfer my household registration to his household. I don’t know if he was reprimanded by his superior for choosing friends carelessly. In short, Chen Ming and his work unit were implicated by me.

As soon as I boarded the train to Jiangxi, I asked to check my backpack. A plainclothes officer hands me my backpack, and as I unzip it, my mobile phone falls out. A female officer in plainclothes snatches it away: “I’ll keep it for you.” What she does not realize is I have another phone which I use exclusively for Twitter, and never for phone calls. It is as clean as a newborn baby. When I was on an assignment in the northeast, I had only one battery for the phone with which I make calls. As a precaution, I saved two friends’ phone numbers on my Twitter phone. If I rely on my memory and don’t save numbers on the phone, I cannot even remember my own home phone number. This precaution will save me from many troubles.

I quietly put the remaining phone into my pants pocket. After the train starts, I go to the bathroom to make two phone calls. First I dial Pu Zhiqiang’s number. It rings for a long time, and he does not answer. Then I dial Teng Biao. As we talk, there is a lot of background noise and we have an off-and-on connection. I tell him that I have been kidnapped and that among my kidnappers was a Domestic Security officer from Dongcheng District. I am now being taken to Xinyu, Jiangxi, and my laptop is still at the airport. I ask him to find a way to get it to me. I can barely finish a few sentences before the phone is disconnected. Then Zhiqiang calls and tells me he has been under house arrest since he returned to Beijing from Yichun on October 27, but he can still make contact with the outside world. I repeat for him what I said to Teng Biao. He pauses and then tells me with a cautious tone: “This is the life you have chosen. This was bound to happen sooner or later. You must learn how to face it alone.” I answer: “Yes, I know.”

Later, over the fifty days of being cut off from the outside world, I thought of these words many times. I regard them as advice from a forerunner to a follower, because this is our life.

After making these two calls, my cell phone battery has only one bar left. I don’t know what awaits me, and must keep this last bar to call for help when danger comes. Even though I don’t know who would be able to help me or how they would help me, I cannot let myself disappear in this way – I must let my friends know about my situation.

On the train, the two plainclothes officers who came to get me ask with curiosity about Liu Xiaobo. This is the first time since I have lost my freedom that someone has mentioned this name to me.

“What is your relationship with Liu Xiaobo?

“What has Liu Xiaobo done? …”

My hunch is confirmed: all this is because I signed the “Statement Regarding Liu Xiaobo Being Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.” I gave my name, Hua Ze; place of residence, Beijing; and occupation, documentary director. So it was just for these few words that they kidnapped me and will continue to imprison me. It also becomes clear that my kidnappers are from State Security.

This is a barbaric state and a criminal government. Rules of civilized societies are not followed here. Compared to the end of the Qing Dynasty one hundred years ago, the only difference is dissidents of that time had their heads chopped off and were forced into exile, but now they are kidnapped and made to disappear. All this must change!

Then I start to talk about June 4, 1989, Charter 08, the Nobel Peace Prize, etc. Talking about these topics starts to fill me with excitement. Since the authorities want to use kidnapping and imprisonment to allow me to share Xiaobo’s honor, I must live up to his name. I must continue to sow the seeds of fire.

As the train approaches our destination, the two plainclothes officers and Chen Ming all say to me, “We are only responsible for picking you up. We will not see you again after we get to Xinyu. We hope you will know when to back down so as not to get hurt – bend when you have to.”

I thank them with a smile for their kindness. But the word “bend” is not in my dictionary.

At the Xinyu train station, Mr. Chen Jianjun, a Domestic Security officer from the city, comes to pick me up. He is about 40 years old, and you could tell in a glance that he has a soldier’s background and is not well-educated. As soon as we get into the car, he starts lecturing, saying things like:

“Don’t wash the family’s dirty linen in public. When you bring domestic problems to the international community, you are damaging the country’s image.”

“You shouldn’t exploit the loopholes in the law and use the law as a weapon; the law is not everything.”

“Maybe your intentions are good, but you have been manipulated by foreign, anti-Chinese forces.”

Even though I am not good with clichés, when I see that he is so thoroughly brainwashed, I have to respond patiently:

“It is precisely out of a concern for our country’s image that we appeal for the release of Liu Xiaobo. How can you keep a Nobel laureate in jail? To win a Nobel Prize had been one of China’s dreams for a century!”

“Laws are made by the ruling party. How can you say that to maintain the integrity of the law is to exploit its loopholes? If we don’t use the law as a weapon, then should we use tanks?”

“As for the anti-Chinese forces, I still want to know how they have manipulated me.”

He says: “I don’t understand you. We’ll talk later.”

Then I tell him with a solemn tone: “If you don’t know me, then don’t tag me with an unfair label. Come back to talk with me after you have spent some time trying to understand me.”

I despise those who lack professionalism. Why is it that everyone I have met throughout this ordeal is so unprofessional? Why can’t they at least devote some thought to understanding me? Don’t they realize that I am more easily convinced by softness than by harshness? I believe that even for such shameless professions as Domestic Security and State Security, some degree of professionalism should be maintained.

After arriving in Xinyu, I am sent directly to the Xiaofang Guesthouse, a six-story building located on the northern edge of the city. Initially, it must have been built in accordance with the three-star standard, but now it looks somewhat dated. Fortunately, the bedding is still reasonably soft and clean, and the bathroom is also quite spacious. I am housed in Room 9207 on the second floor, which is reportedly the only room in this guesthouse that accommodates three people. There are two female police officers rooming with me, and two other male officers next door. There are four guards in every shift, and two shifts in total, rotating every 24 hours. All together, I have eight personal “bodyguards.”

As soon as I step into the room, Ms. Ouyang of Domestic Security announces several rules: I may not have contact with the outside world, I may not meet with friends, and the scope of my activities may not go beyond this building.

When the bodyguards introduce themselves, they give only their last names, not their first names. They say they are criminal police, economic police, or public security police. None of them admit to being a Domestic Security officer. Apparently, this kind of police – domestic security – is just too shady. However, having seen so many Domestic Security officers, I can recognize them at a glance. Of the eight, three are from the Domestic Security detachment of the municipal public security bureau, and the rest have all been transferred from different public security sub-bureaus. My security level is higher than anything they have ever experienced. Even their superiors know only that they have been transferred to carry out an assignment. As for where and what the assignment is, that is all classified.

Captain Hu of the municipal Domestic Security detachment has come – he says he is the leader, but no one mentions his position. After a while I figure it out by myself. The leader is very polite and says: “This is a coordinated action by the Ministry of Public Security, so how long you will stay here depends on the orders from above. The Xinyu authorities do not want to keep you a minute longer, and hopefully you will cooperate.” He advises me to regard this as a vacation or recuperation.

I ask Captain Hu to allow me call my mother to tell her I am okay. My mother is almost seventy. She must be worried after not having heard from me for so long. Captain Hu says that he has to consult his superiors for instructions.

No one comes to talk with me, and no one comes to explain to me the reasons for the restrictions on my freedom. In short, my life under house arrest has started, but with no end in sight.

I go to the bathroom and send a text message to Teng Biao: “I am living in Room 9207 at the Xiaofang Guesthouse in Xinyu. The police here have been polite to me, so please don’t worry too much.” My mobile phone has little power left, so I cannot wait for a response. I turn it off immediately.

Then I take a shower. I have been wearing the same clothes for five days, whether I’m sleeping on the bed or lying on the ground. I cannot bear it for one more minute.

I take off my clothes and inspect the painful “rewards” from the past four days since being kidnapped. The crescent-shaped cut on my upper lip is so deep that even a slight touch causes piercing pain. The wound on my back is below my neck, which makes it impossible for me to turn over as I sleep. All four of my limbs, especially my right arm, are covered with black and blue bruises. My right foot is sprained. The wounds on my upper lip and right hand were inflicted by the hatchet man on the day of the kidnapping. But how did I get the other injuries? I fainted several times on that day, so I can scarcely remember what they did to me.

After showering I am completely exhausted. I lie on the bed near the window, peeking at the sky of Xinyu through the iron bars on the window. I have no relatives here, so it is a completely strange city for me. I don’t even have any idea where this guesthouse is located.

I have to get used to sleeping with two bodyguards in the same room. I hope that they will not snore, grind their teeth, or talk in their sleep. After a long time with insomnia, I have become very particular about my sleeping environment. It has to be very quiet and clean.

The trip to Europe I had planned for November has become impossible. Exit restrictions will probably be imposed on me; my dream to travel around the world might have just ended. Has Teng Biao retrieved my laptop? I hope it’s not in the hands of the thugs. For the first time, I am going to have bad credit at my bank: I have missed the payment due date on my credit card. I spent more than 20,000 yuan for the plane ticket to Europe – there must be a lot of interest. What should I do about my daily medicine that I didn’t bring? What are the health consequences?

Why am I worrying about all these mundane issues? Without freedom, what else is worth worrying about? So what if I cannot travel all over the world, since there are so many people who have never even stepped outside of the city of Beijing. So what if my credit is not good, I have no plans to apply for loans anyway. Teng Biao will find a way to get back my laptop, and even if he cannot get it back, I will accept that. What does it matter if I cannot take my medicine – I was already prepared to die when I was kidnapped. My only worry is my mother who has a serious heart ailment. On the evening of October 8, when the Nobel Committee announced the Peace Prize, many of my friends were arrested as they were gathering in restaurants to celebrate. The next day my mother left Beijing for Jiangxi. As I said goodbye to her at the train station, I promised: “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” Now I only want to say to her: “I’m sorry, Mama. I did not keep my promise.”

Now that I am stuck here, I have to take it easy. It’s no use being anxious and angry – that will only impair my sharpness and judgment. I try to comfort myself: “It’s fine. Just take this as an opportunity to train your ability to stay calm.”

The next morning, Chen Jianjun from Domestic Security, who had picked up me at the train station, opens the door and comes in. As he takes a phone call, he points at me: “Did you contact someone in Beijing? Do you still have a communication device?” He turns back and gestures to the two female bodyguards: “Search her body, her backpack, and the bed!” My mobile phone is confiscated, and with it the last hope for me to be able to contact the outside world. With it they also take away some of my professional equipment: a wireless walkie-talkie and a camcorder. They do not know what they are used for, but they take everything away just to be sure.

The only thing left in my backpack is the instruction manual for my camcorder. Since I’m still new at videotaping by myself, I cannot remember all of the functions of the camcorder. I have the manual with me so that I can consult it when I need to. In the coming days, this manual will be my only reading material.

Every day I go through the same routine:

At 7:30 a.m., I get up, wash and brush my teeth, and then I go downstairs to have breakfast. In the morning: I read, write in my diary, and practice yoga. At 11:30 a.m., I have lunch. In the afternoon, I read, practice Pilates (a hybrid of yoga and aerobics), and take a shower. After dinner, I watch some TV and then go to bed.

At the very beginning I couldn’t get used to the environment. The bodyguards would keep the TV set on from morning to night. The noise was unsettling but luckily I soon learned how to read, write, and do exercise with the TV sound on.

One day after dinner I ask to take a walk outside. Chen Jianjun calls his superior for permission. He replies: “Walking is allowed, but not beyond the courtyard of the guesthouse.” So there is one more activity in my life.

Every evening, I wear my red wool sweater, suspender jeans, and a black coat (they are all the clothes I had with me when I was kidnapped) and circle the courtyard twenty times surrounded by four bodyguards. The scene must be very funny.

There are only a few guests in the guesthouse. The courtyard is a rectangle, 80 steps from east to west, and 35 from north to south. There are only two rooms with windows secured with steel bars. My Room, 9207, is one of them. During the first walk, I discover a moderately-sized Osmanthus tree in the southeast corner. This green plant with small white and yellow flowers and a strong fragrance has brought some life to my daily routine.

On the first day of my arrival to Xinyu, I made a request to call my mother. After a week, I have heard no response. On November 9, at breakfast, I make my request again. Chen Jianjun replies: “It would not have been out of the question for us to let you call your mother, but you hid your phone and contacted the outside. This incident has serious consequences. So we cannot let you call your mother.”

“What serious consequences have I caused?”

“I cannot tell you.”

I immediately burst out: “Even if I were a criminal, you would still have to notify my family. But you are treating a law-abiding citizen without the slightest bit of humanity. I had an extra mobile phone and the Beijing police did not inform you about it when I was transferred to you. This is not my problem. Anyway, it is my right to inform my friends about my whereabouts. Are you punishing me for that? Go ahead. Are you afraid that I will contact the outside? Starting now, I will begin a hunger strike! When I collapse, you will have to take me to a hospital – won’t you? When I get to the hospital, I will scream for help and tell everyone that you have kidnapped me.” After I finish these words, I leave the dinner table and walk out. I can hear the footsteps of a few people chasing after me.

“Little Chen does not know much. Please don’t take him too seriously.”

“There is nothing wrong with not knowing much. But you cannot lose your humanity. Everyone has parents.”

“We cannot decide whether you can call your mother or not. We have to send a request to our superiors.”

“I have already given you nine days. Even if you had to go through the UN, it should have been done by now.”

I return to the room and launch my first hunger strike – for the right to call my mother!

In the morning, Captain Hu comes: “I am sending my request to the leader right away. It should not be a problem. But it’s going to take a period of time, right? You first eat your meal.”

“Please send your request first, I can wait. I will not eat before I call my mother.”

The next morning, Chen Jianjun comes in with an exaggerated smile: “My superior has granted you permission to call your mother, but on two conditions: first, you cannot mention that you have been kidnapped or that you are under house arrest. You also may not say that you are in Xinyu. Second, the mobile phone must be held by us and you must use the speaker mode. Agreed?”

“I never had any intention of telling my mother what has happened to me. I just want to say hello to her and tell her not to worry about me.”

They call my mother’s phone and hold the mobile phone close to my ear. I hear my mother’s anxious voice: “Where are you? Why has your phone been off for so long? We were worried that something had happened to you.”

Calmly I lie to my mother: “I have been traveling in Europe. My phone broke. International roaming service is too expensive, so I cannot call you often. Please don’t worry. It’s much safer here in a foreign country than it is in China.”

In the past, whenever I traveled abroad, I have always called my mother before boarding my plane. Before I left Beijing, I used to email my younger brother my itinerary, contact numbers, hotel addresses, all kinds of information regarding accident insurances, and the names and email addresses of the insurance companies. This time is different. I don’t know whether or not my mother believes me.

After that I am allowed to call my mother once a week to say hello. In order to keep in touch with my mother, I take no chances by revealing my real situation to her.

The sleepless night is so long, I try to fill it with my thoughts. The feelings brought on by my thoughts can be warm and sad at the same time.

Ten years ago at a Christmas party in a bar in Sanlitun, Beijing, I met Xu Zhiyong, a Ph.D. student at Beijing University. That night, a group of his friends and their friends were enjoying themselves heartily. Against the noisy and chaotic backdrop, I had a quiet conversation with Zhiyong. He talked about his ideals of a constitutional government and the villages he regularly visited to conduct field research on grassroots-level elections. These topics deeply interested me, because his ideas were the same as my own. Ten years later, he became my lawyer in my lawsuit for freedom of speech and gave me tremendous help.

I came to know Teng Biao at a legal aid conference. When Zhiyong mentioned my lawsuit to him, he said without any hesitation: “Great. I support you!” The next time I saw him was in front of the Daxin Court House where people were showing support to Zhao Lianhai.12 Facing officers in plainclothes who were videotaping us, he shouted out: “This is Teng Biao! Do you dare to say your name?” All the women there adored him.

For the past year or so, I have participated in or filmed many citizen actions and legal cases that were initiated, sponsored, or supported by Gongmeng.13 They cover issues such as forced demolitions and relocation, educational equality, the Day of Twitter Friends on the Fourth of July,14 the Zhao Lianhai case, the Three Netizens case15 in Fujian, the Xia Junfeng case,16 the Leng Guoquan case,17 and many others. Shared ideals and common actions have created a strong bond among us. In my heart, Zhiyong and Teng Biao are not only my comrades, but also my brothers.

Early last year, I was harassed by Domestic Security for publishing my article, “In Search of China’s Path.” I called Auntie Qing, the wife of Tan Zuoren18 and a friend of many years, to express my sense of desperation and helplessness. Auntie Qing said: “You need a lawyer. Go to Pu Zhiqiang.” So I called Zhiqiang and we had our first meeting half an hour later in his very messy office. In front of him, I felt that I wasn’t at all like someone who was law-trained but a babbling seeker of help.

He interrupted me: “This is nothing, you will be fine.”

“If I am in trouble, will you agree to be my lawyer?”

“I agree.”

From then on, whenever I got into trouble, I went to him, still babbling as before, and I often depleted his patience. From his facial expressions I could read explicitly: I am that child who cries wolf. On October 24, he and I parted in Yichun. I went to Dandong to meet Teng Biao. During those few days, he always ended his phone calls or text messages with the words “Take care!” Now I suddenly realize: he was sending me warning signals. At this moment, what saddens me is that, in this land, the only thing my lawyer can do for me is to warn me.

The first time I heard the name Cui Weiping19 was through the poet Hai Zi.20 At the time, I was preparing to make a biographical film on Hai Zi. While researching, I encountered a series of articles written by Cui Weiping on Hai Zi. Upon first reading them I was very moved by her writings. Since then, I read all the articles by her that I could find. Later I met her at a farewell dinner for Tu Fu21 in Fuzhou. That was the prelude to the April 16th Incident.22 Tu Fu was taking a great risk going to Fuzhou to show support to the three netizens who were about to be tried. Teacher Cui openly joined the “Watch Group” to show her support. She said: “Today, let us forget about the world. At this moment, we only care about Tu Fu!” Several days later she wrote a long poem, “These Righteous People!” in which one paragraph is about me.

Along with the stream of my recollections there is also Older Sister Wang Lihong,23 Tu Fu, Tiantian,24 Wang Yi,25 Zhang Hui,26 A’er,27 Qiangben,28 and others.

Every time when I think of them, I feel a warm stream flowing down my cheeks. That excitement from my heart silently blends into the dark night and greets the dawn.

On November 14, I return to my room after dinner. I sit on my bed reading. I hear a knocking on the door. I don’t pay attention, believing it to be the bodyguards next door. Ms. Ouyang from Domestic Security answers the door. I hear someone say: “We’re looking for Hua Ze.” Ms. Ouyang slams the door shut. I understand what is going on. I can hear the loud calls from the outside: “Hua Ze, Hua Ze, please answer! Let us know whether you are inside.” I get up quickly from my bed, while Ms. Ouyang stares blankly at me. The voices outside become even louder: “Hua Ze, we love you!” My tears burst out. I rush to the door with no fear. Since Ms. Ouyang is guarding the door, I can only open the door a crack. But I can see three strangers’ faces: one woman and two men.

“I am Hua Ze. Who are you?”

“We are netizens, here to see you.”

“Where are you from?”

“They are from Xinyu. I am Chen Maosheng from Fengxin, do you still remember me?”

“Of course.”

We had communicated on Twitter. I remember his head shot – a handsome young man. He looks even more refined in person than he does in pictures. I shake hand with each of them and feel indescribable warmth. The female netizen hands me a bouquet of fresh flowers. They all tell me to take good care of myself. Ms. Ouyang pushes the door from behind and shuts it with force.

The room falls into dead silence. As she is changing her clothes, Ms. Ouyang tells me: “Two of them are from Xinyu Steel Mill, so-called rights defenders. They are bad, always looking for an opportunity to provoke people to make trouble for the government. …” I am not sure what she is talking about but I feel happy that Ms. Ouyang recognizes them, so they must recognize her too. They will soon spread word about me on Twitter. I will not disappear from this world without anyone knowing.

Ms. Ouyang finishes changing her clothes and hurries out. She is going to report this to her superior, leaving me to the other bodyguard. This is serious – I have been exposed. This will certainly keep them busy for a while.

The next early morning, Captain Hu comes and orders me to pack up and move.

I am moved to The New Blue Sky Business Hotel, not far away from the old one. This hotel has no courtyard and exits right onto a street. So I have to go outside of the hotel if I take my walk. Actually they had already allowed me to take my walk beyond the gate previously.

The new hotel has no dining service, so we have to go to a restaurant next door for meals. Each meal, we either spend above the limit or eat poorly. The rooms have no heating either. We stay here for about ten days, and I have no problem. But the bodyguards cannot stand the cold. They soon realize that the netizens were just visiting me and have no plans to rescue me. On the 11th day, we move back to the Xiaofang Guesthouse on the insistence of the bodyguards.

One night, not long after moving back to the Xiaogang Guesthouse, I have a dream. On a cold winter morning I was on top of Emei Mountain; snow was drifting down slowly; and the peaks near and far were covered in white. Morning bells rang from a monastery at the foot of the mountain, the sound rising up to the top in waves. This is a real scene from the Spring Festival of 1994, during my first trip to Sichuan, where I met Tan Zuoren and his wife. Sixteen years later the same scene comes into my dream. But now my life has been completely changed by the sentencing of Uncle Tan.29

Around the end of November, I hear that my house arrest may last beyond the Spring Festival of 2011, or even worse, according to some people, indefinitely. Since I know I was kidnapped and put under house arrest in connection with Liu Xiaobo’s being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, I have been psychologically prepared for the worst-case scenario of being released after December 10, when the Nobel Prize award ceremony is held. If that is not the case, I will go on hunger strike and protest with my death. I must somehow send a message to the outside.

I normally write in my diary daily. It is filled with scribbles and does not have complete paragraphs. It consists of disconnected phrases, to remind me of important events and how I felt about them. Because I know Ms. Ouyang often peeks into my diary when I leave the room, I would make a mark in my diary, such as putting it in a particular position, or leaving a strand of hair in it. So, sending a message out has to be done very carefully; she must not find out.

This note is written one evening while I hide myself in the toilet; the general idea is: “I am under house arrest and cannot contact my family. Please help me send a text message to the following two numbers: 186 … and 139 … (these numbers belong to Teng Biao and Pu Zhiqiang, which I had memorized on the train and would never forget in my whole life). The following are the contents of the text messages: 1) My mobile phone has been confiscated and I am asking for help from a stranger to send this text message, so please do not publicize it. 2) If I am still not released after the day of the award ceremony, I will go on hunger strike. Please think of a way to rescue me. 3) If possible (as I am concerned that their freedom may also be restricted), I authorize you two to be my lawyers. I have an authorization letter for Pu Zhiqiang at home (the exact location of the letter, and the contact information of the person who has my house keys, etc.). 4) I am in the hands of the Xinyu Domestic Security detachment, being kept in Room 9207 at the Xiaofang Guesthouse in Xinyu.” I put this note together with a fifty yuan bill in a pocket of my under shirt.

In the evening of December 1, when I take my walk outside, I stuff my note and the money into the hand of a stranger I have chosen beforehand (I am afraid I cannot give more details). I don’t know whether this stranger would send out the text message for me. But that is all I can do; I leave everything else to fate.

Two days later when I take my walk outside again, I see the stranger. He is actually waiting there, and he gestures OK to me.

As the day of the Nobel award ceremony approaches, I become more and more anxious. Every day without freedom is as long as a year. I feel I am entering a boundless dark tunnel. I know there will be light ahead, but I still cannot see it.

Many nights I am tormented by heart palpitations, which always hit me as I am about to fall asleep. The anxiety is beyond words; my limbs become weak, and I feel like screaming. I have to do my utmost to control myself in order to not go crazy. Facing this strong sense of helplessness, I keep telling myself: “You cannot have a breakdown! You cannot have a breakdown!”

Even if I am released the day after the Nobel award ceremony, I will have been cut off from the rest of the world for a full 45 days. For me, someone who values liberty over life, this is too great a price. Sometimes I wonder, if I had not been so unyielding after I was kidnapped and told them whatever they asked, they might have already released me or just restricted my movement, and not cut me off from the rest of the world. This might have been entirely possible. But I do not regret what I have done. From the moment they used violence to kidnap me, they foreclosed any possibility of negotiating with me. Not because I cannot compromise, but because I cannot yield to violence.

Nobody may blackmail me – not with violence, interest, or even familial love. Don’t mistake fragility for powerlessness, and don’t think that the insignificant ones have no dignity. What differentiates the strong from the weak is not the intensity of their power; rather, it is the firmness of their belief.

Finally the day of the Nobel award ceremony has come. Based on the time of day when the announcement was made, the award ceremony should be around five o’clock in the afternoon, Beijing time. Based on what has happened to me, I expect that everyone who could possibly go to Norway is being restricted. Therefore, no one from China can attend the ceremony. I hope there are rows and rows of empty chairs both on the podium and below the podium for the honored guests, and the camera slowly zooms in on these empty chairs. There is no better illustration of the current human rights in China than this, and this also shows the great significance in awarding this prize to Liu Xiaobo. When I think of that scene, I start to cry. (Not long after I was released, I saw the video of the ceremony. There was really an empty chair in the scene!)

On the morning of December 21, I announce my hunger strike!

That afternoon, Director Zhang of the Xinyu Public Security Bureau comes. He tells me that the day before he personally reported to the Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau and he will receive instructions in a day or two. He wants me to be more patient. He also asks whether I have any requests. I tell him: First, tell me the reason for my continued house arrest; second, tell me when my house arrest will end.

I lie on the bed, resigned to my fate and letting my consciousness fade away. My body is floating, weightless, as if it is another me; no, it is my soul that has left my body and is looking down from midair:

“How long can you keep this up?”

I smile back: “To the extent of the challenge.”

“Do you want to destroy yourself?”

“No. This is precisely what will make me perfect. They want to use coarseness, wickedness, and emptiness to destroy me. I will resist with fineness, purity, and vitality. They can destroy my body, but never my heart.”

On December 15, Captain Hu replies to my requests: “First, there will be a concert the day after the award ceremony. Moreover, many rights defenders have gone to Beijing, and the Beijing police are overwhelmed. Therefore, we cannot release you yet. Second, we will definitely release you before December 20. The condition is that you must eat.”

That day, I end my hunger strike.

In the evening of December 17, Captain Hu comes again: “I have some good news. You will be freed on December 20th. Where do you want to go?”

“I want go back to Beijing.”


“Either by train or by airplane.”

“You can ask Chen Ming to buy a ticket for you.”

“I am not here for vacation, or to visit my family. How you have brought me here is how you will send me back. I don’t have any money on me. If you don’t send me back, I will wait for my friends in Beijing to come get me.”

“Wait, I will ask for instructions from above.”

The following day, I get a reply: We have bought a sleeping berth ticket for you on the train on December 20; we will take you to the train.

Freedom! Freedom?

On the morning of December 19, Captain Hu tells me to pack my things and leave the hotel. He says that he could not get a ticket for a sleeping berth on the train to Beijing and has asked the Fengyi County Public Security Bureau to make arrangements. “Today we go to Fengyi first, and tomorrow afternoon we will see you to the train.”

I start feeling uneasy, because what he says does not sound logical. Xinyu is a city directly administered by the provincial government, and Fengyi is a county administered by Xinyu. A municipal bureau can’t even get a train ticket and needs a county bureau to make arrangements?

Fengyi is only thirty some kilometers from Xinyu, and it takes half an hour to get there. We are in two cars going through the central area of the county and heading toward the suburbs. The farther we go, the more deserted it gets. Finally we stop at a holiday resort at the foot of a mountain. The police officers from the Fengyi Public Security Bureau are waiting for us. We are the only group staying at the resort. Probably because we are in the mountains, it is very cold, and the temperature is at least three degrees Celsius lower than in the city. The entire night I wrap myself tightly with a comforter, my thoughts running wild. Will they send me to a Reeducation-Through-Labor camp? Will they formally arrest me? In May of this year, a friend of mine was arrested in Jiangxi for “inciting subversion.” After he was released on bail he told me that the Jiangxi police asked him for information about me.

A bodyguard is playing with her computer next to me. I ask her to look up the arrival and departure schedule for the next day’s Fengyi-Beijing train. She checks it on and is startled: “The train to Beijing does not stop at Fengyi.”

I start to throw a tantrum: “Go ask your leader: where is he sending me?” This bodyguard is a young and simple girl. She says, “The order I received is that our assignment will be over tomorrow afternoon. You will be released for sure tomorrow. Don’t worry! The leader will arrange things well.”

A moment later, Director Zhang of the Xinyu Public Security Bureau calls and says that he will come to see me, and asks for directions. Someone in the Fengyi county bureau goes in a car to pick him up. After a long time, another bodyguard comes and tells me that the director did not come: “He will come tomorrow morning for sure. The director says he will see you off.” I feel the situation is getting more strange.

A sleepless night. After I get up in the next morning, I do not say hello to the bodyguards; I open the door myself and walk straight out, and sit down in the yard to get some sun. I feel extremely disturbed, and I cannot figure things out. If they are going to release me, why bring me here? Several bodyguards come out to me and start assuring me: “There won’t be problems. The leader will arrange things well for sure. If you are not released today, we will go on a hunger strike together with you.”

Almost noontime, we finally leave, heading to an upscale restaurant in Fengyi county. A whole group of people is waiting for us at a table. They include Director Zhang, Captain Hu, and four people from the provincial Public Security Bureau. Among them, an older person who looks like a leader says: “We came here to take you to Nanchang, where you will fly back to Beijing.”

“When will you give me back my mobile phone? I need to call my friends to pick me up at the airport.”

“Don’t worry. We will give it back to you.”

I am in no mood to eat. Isn’t Xinyu closer than Nanchang? Why go there via Fengyi?

Among the four from the provincial Bureau is a middle-aged woman, Ms. Xiong (she didn’t introduce herself though), who is so polite that I cannot think of her as a Domestic Security officer. She says: “Teacher Hua, you see big changes in Jiangxi, right? Please help us spread the word.”

“I am not a publicist, I only do criticism.”

“Teacher Hua, don’t you make historical and cultural documentaries? Our Jiangxi has a long and rich history.”

“That’s true. I once did some research on classical academies in Jiangxi. Unfortunately, the department that I belonged to at the time did not think this program would get good ratings, so it was not approved.”

“Fine, then. If you propose it to us, we will help you plan it. We can provide funding, facilities, and all the amenities.”

“Ha ha ha ha … that’s good.”

This is fascinating. It does not look as if I am going to be sent to a Reeducation-Through-Labor camp; it looks more like amnesty.

After lunch, I get in a Ford minivan with the four from the provincial bureau and a female bodyguard. Behind us is a car driven by Chen Jianjun, the Domestic Security officer from Xinyu. We drive as if in a parade toward Nanchang.

As we are approaching Nanchang, the older provincial official says, “We still have several hours before the flight departure; let’s accompany Teacher Hua to visit the Tengwang Tower.”

In a Teahouse at the Tengwang Tower, they conduct a carefully pre-arranged “friendly conversation” with me:

“Teacher Hua, you have been in Jiangxi for almost two months. Have the comrades in Xinyu taken good care of you?”

“Very good. Sorry for troubling all of you.”

“You have a law background. So do I. Let’s put aside the legal issues. Some things have to be left for history to judge. Do you agree?”

I do not say a word, keeping a smile.

“Today I am not talking to you in any capacity, just as someone a few years your senior. Will you listen to a word of advice?”

“Please, go ahead.”

“From now on, don’t get involved in matters related to Liu Xiaobo.”

“What kind of Liu Xiaobo matters?”

“Such as the signature campaign.”

“That sort of thing doesn’t happen very often.”

“Good, that’s good. Also, as for matters related to the Jiangxi police, you don’t need to mention them.”

“I think the Jiangxi police have done well, enforcing law in a civilized way.”

“From now on, we are friends. If you have any business in Jiangxi, feel free to contact us. We will do our best to help. You and our Little Xiong can exchange phone numbers, so we can keep in touch. We welcome you to return often, but, of course, not in this way.”

I am wondering, so Little Xiong is going to be my special agent? I answer: “I will come back often; I still have family here. But it is beyond my control whether I will come back this way.”

“Your project on Jiangxi classical academies is a very good idea. You can send us a proposal; we can get it started immediately. There should be no problem.”

“Good, I’ll contact you when I need to.”

“Then it’s settled.”

At seven o’clock in the evening, I am taken to the VIP waiting area. Little Xiong asks me for my National ID to get the boarding pass. I once again ask her to return my mobile phone. Xiao Xiong says: “We will put it in your checked luggage.”

I become serious: “The mobile phone is a valuable item and should not be checked. You must give to me. It will be late when I arrive in Beijing; I am only wearing a thin layer of clothing, so I have to call my friend to pick me up.”

“I have prepared extra clothes for you. I know you don’t have enough money on you, so I have also provided taxi fare. In addition, our Bureau has prepared some gifts for you, so I will pack them together with your phone and check them.”

“Are you worried that I will call my friends in Beijing, and a welcoming party will meet me at the airport? It is so cold and it will be very late when I arrive in Beijing. I won’t make many people come meet me, I promise.”

“It’s better to check it.”

“I don’t promise anything that I am not able to promise. Once I have promised, I will keep my word. Please give me back my mobile phone.”

The older person intervened: “Okay, give it back to Teacher Hua. Since Teacher Hua has already been so clear, I also want to tell you: We are indeed concerned about any new snafus. We are also looking out for you and wish you a safe journey home.”

The airplane takes off at eight o’clock. At 7:40 p.m., I am escorted directly from the VIP waiting area to the airplane. At the gate, I wave to the people from the provincial bureau and enter the airplane. I immediately turn on my phone and call Teng Biao to tell him I am safe.

At this moment, I finally feel that I am truly free!

The day after I returned to Beijing, I find out why the last two days before my release the Jiangxi police went through so much trouble to transport me from one place to another. On December 18, Teng Biao, Xu Zhiyong, Tu Fu, and some other friends organized a “Fragrant Soul Watch Group.” The group’s members from different parts of China, including four lawyers, had decided to go to Xinyu to rescue me.

When the bell rings in the New Year, eleven days after I regained my freedom, I write down the following words: I have a dream. I dream that in the near future my friends will never be kidnapped, disappeared, or imprisoned. I dream they will never live in exile as sojourners far away from their homes and country.

Translated by Ming Xia. (The translator wishes to acknowledge the contributions from Alex Feng and Julia Xia.) Translation edited by Human Rights in China.

The Ordeal of a Fragrant Soul


2 3月





星期一晚九点半,维权律师滕彪受华泽委托,在推特上发布消息说:“ 华泽自由了,我在八点钟接到了她的电话。她被失踪这两个月的故事,我们等她回来后自己慢慢讲吧。”

华泽星期二接受本台记者采访时表示,“ 我在北京是10月27日被强行绑架走,然后在北京呆到30日,就被送回老家,在火车站新余的警方来接我,然后就一直到昨天获释。”


华泽,“在江西新余没有,那里完全是上面安排下来的任务,他们必须做,他们也没有说要怎么样,对我很客气,他们也是希望这个事情早点结束,对他们来说,也是 很烦的负担。所以整个过程中我没有对新余警方有什么抗议,因为我一直知道,是上面统一安排下来的任务,他们必须这么做。”

在华泽等网友失 踪后,很多其他网友都在持续表示关注。一批网友还宣布成立“赴赣救友团”前往搜寻搭救华泽,而就在这个消息公布后不久,她便获得了释放。滕彪认为,没有这些网友的实际行动,很难说华泽能被释 放。没有许志永的起诉威胁和大家的电话潮,他电话很难开通。没有对倪玉兰的围观,她大冬天恐怕还要住在帐篷里,例子很多。不但围观有用,围观的声明都有用。

对于华泽的重获自由,大批网友表示了兴奋和喜悦之情。有网友说:“ 今天是最开心的一天。”华泽也在网络上对关注的人们表示感谢,“谢谢朋友们的问候,抱歉不能一一回复。伸出双臂,越过千山万水拥抱你们。”

和华泽同一天,被带往北京市平谷区金海湖碧海山庄的诗人阿尔, 以及维权人士王荔蕻、异议作家刘荻等也分别在前一天获释,外界相信这是当局的统一行动。本台记者星期二多次致电阿尔,但是电话均关机,无法接通。

刚 在星期天获得自由的王荔蕻告诉本台记者,“我一号走的, 到十二月十八号下午,总共十八天,就是在昌平的一个度假村里,一开始他们说得到十号,说要躲过颁奖,之前就有很多天,楼下二十四小时警车堵在我家门口,过 了十一号说,再绷一两天。到了十六日、十七日我就说我不吃饭了,下一顿饭我回家吃,我说你们太不讲信用了,他们紧急请示上级,之后让我回来,回来(警察) 还是二十四小时在楼下堵着。”

直到星期二,仍然有一批在和平奖之后被抓捕的人士没有获得释放, 包括赵长青、王仲夏、沈民强等等。对于王仲夏的毫无音讯,也一度被带走的异议作家刘荻向本台表示,“因为我觉得这事很奇怪,王仲夏也没有搞过什么违法的事 情,不知道这件事上,他到现在还在失踪,有十多天了吧。”

《新周刊》年终一期将2010年总结为“围观之年”, 其中的标题文章表示,“从近年来的‘散步’到今年的‘围观’,监督与维权层层逼近,印证了公民社会的成长路径。”但是就算在国际社会授予刘晓波“诺贝尔和 平奖”后的压力,还是公民的和平抗争中,中国当局仍然在坚持做出强烈的对抗姿态,外界对当局的变化并不表示乐观。





2 3月


一 个优秀的桥梁工程师,也许从没想过要成为一名英雄,但是在这片神奇的土地上,如果你还坚守良知,如果你还心存悲悯,你可能就注定要成为英雄。游精佑、吴华英,还有仍在狱中的范燕琼,就是这样的平民英雄。他们从不回避苦难,努力帮助那些苦难中的弱者,为他们申诉冤情,为他们提供法律帮助,把 自己微薄的收入捐助给那些最需要的人们,直到有一天,路见不平拍案而起,被判罪入狱。



请 相信这进步的年代,一个民族精神觉醒的年代,专制的阴霾挡不住历史进步的潮流,挡不住民族良心的复苏,挡不住中国人对自由的向往,你们不会孤单。一年 来,你们的战友们从没有退缩,我们一直与你们在一起。今天,为良心和正义并肩战斗的公民们再次相聚到一起,为了迎接你们出狱,游#精#佑、吴#华#英,我 们为你们感到骄傲。


